It was raining at dusk it was so quiet outside. I was with my fiancee in the car parked on the side of the road and he was telling me this was a dangerous street. Then I saw are car drive by super slow and in that car the front seat had what looked like a mother robot and in the back seat a little boy robot. Then somehow I ended up in a wheelchair busy hospital lobby where there were many people in one line and they all looked identical. I suddenly was being wheeled back by two figures that had black masks on I could not see their faces and they would not respond to me. I tried to scream for help and grab onto people in the lobby but no one seemed to notice
Dreams are complex and can have different meanings for different individuals. However, I will try to provide you with a symbolic interpretation of the dream you have described.
The dream setting of dusk and rain may symbolize a time of transition, uncertainty, or emotional turmoil in your waking life. Your fiancee warning you about a dangerous street could represent your subconscious sensing potential risks or threats in your current situation.
The appearance of robot-like figures in the car may symbolize feeling like you or others around you are going through the motions mechanically, lacking genuine emotional connection or empathy. The mother and child robots could represent issues related to nurturing, relationships, or aspects of your own inner child.
Being in a wheelchair in a busy hospital lobby may indicate feelings of vulnerability, dependency, or a sense of being stuck in a challenging or overwhelming situation. The line of identical people could suggest a loss of individuality or feeling like you are blending in with others without standing out.
The figures with black masks who do not respond to you may symbolize feelings of being ignored, unheard, or unseen by others. Your attempts to scream for help and grab onto people without success could reflect feelings of isolation, powerlessness, or a need for support that seems out of reach.
Overall, this dream may be pointing towards feelings of disconnection, fear, and helplessness in your waking life. It could be a reflection of internal struggles, unresolved issues, or concerns about your relationships and surroundings. Consider exploring these themes further to gain insight into your emotions and challenges.